The hat is not too deep/high (since I have a pretty normal head I think this will go for most people). This means it wont drop over your eyes when you put it on all the way and it is nice and snug and it wont blow off.
Also like the generous piece of Velcro on the ear flaps, so it is not fidgety to lower and connect the ear flaps under your chin and put them away again on top of the hat, I can do it easily with gloves on.
Wear it often together with the Micklegard anorak and with the collar of the anorak up and the ear flaps down you are seriously protected against any cold wind.
Did not understand the front flap at first, when I pulled that down all the way and saw little anymore, until I understood I could leave it sticking out horizontally so it works like a short baseball cap flap.
Oh yeah, it is warm without being sweaty.